Ratu DeAge Titanium Beauty Contest 2023

For our beauty contest, we are looking for 20 women aged above 27 who wants to transform their fitness, energy levels, physical appearance and wellbeing with our programme. We will host the event at a function room in a 5 star hotel. The event will be live broadcasted by severalContinue Reading

AL Media Tell u more about Fake Fame Phenomenon

Fake fame refers to a phenomenon where someone becomes famous or well-known for something that lacks substance or value. This type of fame is often based on superficial qualities, such as appearance or viral content, rather than any meaningful accomplishment or talent. One way to explain fake fame is toContinue Reading

News Compilation of View Chin Mira Shermine Hau-Ah Moi 百万网红大剖白. 大型连续剧开播前的宣传文章 百万粉丝网红 世纪渣男 出轨 殴妻 还逼拍性爱视频【内附音频】 网红渣男出轨 网引轰动 妻:对不起,让大家失望和担心 华裔网红发文 没回应出轨 妻报警 指有信心讨回公道 我错了 不该动手打她-华裔网红:去年已离婚 被指出轨女员工-百万网红:一切都会过去 家里搬空-厂商要退款-百万网红道歉:会尽快发声明 中国报连续剧开始了! ◤百万网红大剖白 Part 1◢ 华裔男网红打破缄默 “我没有出轨,是她出轨!” ◤百万网红大剖白 Part 2◢ “拼搏全为这个家” View Chin承认拼事业忽略前妻 ◤百万网红大剖白 Part 3◢ View Chin:前妻为抢孩子抚养权 编造故事抹黑我 ◤百万网红大剖白 Part 4◢ “我有出手打前妻” ViewContinue Reading

Malaysia Interior Photographer, Alan Lim

Alan Lim is a Commercial Photographer providing various kinds of photography solutions: especially in Interior Photography. In the year 2009, he founded ALPHOTOS to provide a more complete suite of services. He has been appointed as official photographer for numerous renowned magazines and websites. He loves incorporating new ideas and conceptsContinue Reading

Alan Lim, Managing Director of AL Media Channel

Alan Lim, Managing Director of AL Media Channel. alan-lim.com & AL Media Channel is founded by Alan Lim from Malaysia. He is also the founder for the blog – alifebe.com – Life beside the edge. In Facebook and the photography community, Alan Lim is also known as “Hayashi Alan”. InContinue Reading

Alan Lim, AL Media Channel Founder

Alan Lim is a Commercial Photographer providing various kinds of photography solutions: Wedding, ROM (Registry of Marriage), Event, Portrait and interior design photography. In the year 2009, he founded ALPHOTOS [ Alan Lim Photography ] to provide a more complete suite of services. He has been appointed as official photographerContinue Reading


CRIS ANGEL 陈奕文【无常】单曲记者发布会 日期: 9/6/2022 (星期四) 签到时间: 2pm 记者会开始: 2.30-3.30pm 地点: CUME Bar, One City, Subang 大地创作歌手Cris Angel 陈奕文睽违多年,带着这些年专研占星所得的能量,以全新创作单曲《无常》 优雅回归乐坛。隐退的这段期间,陈交文虽然把重心放在身心灵领域,但其实一直以来都没有放弃过最 喜爱的唱歌,偶尔还是会有表演,也会参与幕后创作,包括为马来西亚华裔女企业家协会创作会歌,以 及为世界杰出大师卓越奖颁奖典礼创作主题曲。 ALMedia为大家直击新闻发布会现场,现场来了许多圈内人士,也有奕文的粉丝与亲朋好友。在现场听着奕文唱歌,仿佛回到了1998年首次在天台广播中听见她的的歌声。还是一样那么动人心弦。《无常》是一能以许多不同的角度去听与感受它,在不同的时间,不同的心情,会产生不同的共鸣。 12岁就开始写歌的她,创作一直是她生命的能量来源。当初选择成为歌手其中一个原因也是为了发表 自己的作品,后来被唱片公司发掘顺利推出专辑。一直到推出第四张专辑后,陈奕文因想更深刻地探索 生命,转而去上身心灵课程,专注在塔罗牌、占星能量等的专研当中。现在的她对生命的认知有了另 个层次,无论在写歌和唱歌方 面都比之前更有能量,因而选择重新出发,希望能藉由音乐的感染力,让 大家更容易把生活中各个层面以身心灵的角度去感受和探索,同时让大家认识全新的陈奕文。 大家可以在Youtube及Facebook观看《无常》全球上线目前已突破百千观赏量 https://fb.watch/dTJ2YrjQlr/ | https://youtu.be/6v2JifMq7Q8 《无常》这首歌是一首以“爱和疗愈“为主题的作品,也是我在隔离期间写下的一首歌曲。这首歌曲主 要 是讲述一个人面对无常时需要以正面的心智去面对。歌词里的信息也是我常在为顾客做能量治疗时 常说的话:“人生总会有无常 试着放下 学着原谅” 而将占星所得结合音乐,我相信会更容易贴近人心。听歌是一种释放压力的方法,歌声的能量震动容易 和身体产生共鸣,以抚慰不安的情绪,希望奕文的的作品,能触动你。 MV 以平行时空诠释无常 陈奕文亲自与帅气男主角出演对手戏 这次单曲的 MV 邀来本地演员 Jonathan Lee 李浩菖担任男主角,以及钟炼龙 CaptainContinue Reading