Clicks Brings a Real Keyboard to unlock FullPower of iPhone to Malaysia

Clicks Technology, along with its official regional distributor, Swap Asia, launches Clicks in the region, a first-of-its-kind keyboard accessory for iPhone that extends its capabilities. Clicks frees up screen real estate previously consumed by a virtual keyboard, giving iPhone users more space for apps and content. Imagine now you have your full screenContinue Reading

Some potential reasons why a PR agency might ask a photographer to do a free job, though it’s important to note that these are general possibilities and may not apply to every situation. Here are some reasons: Exposure and Portfolio Building: The PR agency might promise the photographer increased exposureContinue Reading

Malaysia Interior Photographer, Alan Lim

Interior photography is a specialized genre that focuses on capturing the aesthetics, design, and ambiance of interior spaces. It involves carefully composing and capturing images that showcase the unique features, details, and atmosphere of a room or a building’s interior. In this comprehensive explanation, we will delve into the worldContinue Reading

Photographers occasionally accept non-paid jobs for various reasons, despite the lack of financial compensation. While the decision to work for free may seem counterintuitive, it is important to consider the motivations and potential benefits that can arise from these opportunities. In this explanation, we will explore the reasons why photographersContinue Reading

How to make money with Open AI?

Let’s see how Open AI Chat GPT answer it? As an individual, it is currently not possible to make money directly from OpenAI as the company does not offer any kind of payment or compensation program for individuals. However, there are a few ways in which you can indirectly makeContinue Reading

Memorable Corporate Lessons at alifebe

Corporate Lesson 1: A man is getting into the shower just as his wife is finishing up her shower, when the doorbell rings. The wife quickly wraps herself in a towel and runs downstairs. When she opens the door, there stands Bob, the next door neighbor. Before she says aContinue Reading

到底什么原因会让一个萌起轻生的念头?也许为了财务问题,生意上的问题,人际关系,感情问题或者是患有忧郁症。如果我们多关心身边的人,也许就能拯救一个人。 早上看到整个社交媒体都在讨论某网红跳楼事件,继续阅读发现另一则“买包包疑是被骗钱”的文章是相关的。看似一宗企图跳楼事件现在演变成新闻,演变成被讨论的话题。 大家也许认识/看过事件中的女主角,杨宝贝,大家也相当惊讶到底是什么事情让她想不开。 在她的Telegram一则发文让人担心,然后就看到这则新闻。真心希望她能慎重考虑,没什么事是解决不了的,再大的坎也是能跨越过去,相信只要活着,就有希望。 在Leng Yein专页看到这一篇,虽然文中没有提及相关涉事人的名字,可是留言中都指向同一个人。如果真如文中/留言提及那般因为卖包包疑是骗钱事件的话,其实不至于需要轻生啊!很多人被“大耳窿”追债到泼红漆,烧车,恐吓都没有绝望到跳楼(还跑去找麻花张先生处理自己的问题)。 如果真的因为某些原因挪用了那些钱的话,就尽办法偿还大家就好啦。好久好久以前有一位博客也是借新书预购挪用了那些钱,最后勇敢出来承担,还是被接受,最重要是解决问题。逃避问题只会让问题变得更大更严重。 希望各位让她冷静下来,大家坐下来好好谈,研究一个解决方案,钱是必须要回来,可是苦苦相逼也不是办法啊!Continue Reading

以前是Disco,过后演变成现在的Clubbing。一项工作时间以外的娱乐,让大家忘记工作上的烦恼和压力。一起喝酒,唱歌,跳舞,聊天最开心,短暂的远离工作和生活所给予的压力。但是一些常识还是必须清楚知道和了解的。 不能酗酒 喜欢喝酒,非常能喝和酗酒大不同。社交交流喝酒没问题,点到为止,不要拼命的喝的烂醉。少量的喝酒能健康,很多人说少量饮酒的人似乎最健康,但又有专家说,喝酒没有所谓安全上限,总而言之喝酒就是不健康,酗酒更会让自己健康亮红灯。 不能使用违禁品 在色彩复杂和杂乱音乐的影响下,人难免会思绪混乱,如果有任何你不确定的药物及饮品千万别尝试,也不要离开自己的位子太久,最好是离开前把饮料喝完,回到自己的座位时再重新下单(绝对没问题,付钱的嘛~) 随身带着Care 听过吗?最真的爱是保护,保护自己为首要。俗话说“出得嚟行,预咗要还”或者“食得咸鱼,就抵得渴“,来到Clubbing当然必须懂得保护自己,也得保护身边的人。最重要是你也不想在未确定自己的未来的时候当爸爸,当妈妈吧。所以一盒Care防止所有不必要的健康和人生规划的遗憾。 当然,最好,最完美的就是别去这些地方,别喝酒,别跳舞,别搭讪,就万无一失(神仙也未必能做到~)。Continue Reading