Photographers occasionally accept non-paid jobs for various reasons, despite the lack of financial compensation. While the decision to work for free may seem counterintuitive, it is important to consider the motivations and potential benefits that can arise from these opportunities. In this explanation, we will explore the reasons why photographersContinue Reading

Alan Lim, Managing Director of AL Media Channel

Alan Lim, Managing Director of AL Media Channel. & AL Media Channel is founded by Alan Lim from Malaysia. He is also the founder for the blog – – Life beside the edge. In Facebook and the photography community, Alan Lim is also known as “Hayashi Alan”. InContinue Reading

Alan Lim, AL Media Channel Founder

Alan Lim is a Commercial Photographer providing various kinds of photography solutions: Wedding, ROM (Registry of Marriage), Event, Portrait and interior design photography. In the year 2009, he founded ALPHOTOS [ Alan Lim Photography ] to provide a more complete suite of services. He has been appointed as official photographerContinue Reading