5th World GrandMaster Awards Night Press Conference
Event: 5th World GrandMaster Awards Night Press Conference Date: 26 October 2019 Venue: Patisserie Royale 5th World GrandMaster Awards Night is a night to recognise the “Master” for each sector and awards for their endless contribution in term of Performance, Artistry Cultural, Educational, Professional Skill or Charity. 欢迎你们来报道第五届世界杰出大師卓越颁奖典礼晚宴在二零一九年十一月二十九日在马來西亞吉隆坡王岳海宴会場举行。这場国际表扬晚宴活动己经举办了第五年,由國際師傅联盟总会主辨,由多个國际组织支持包括國際马中文化商贸总会,國際奖项認證协会等等。 第五届世界杰出大師卓越奖颁奖典禮晚宴在 2019Continue Reading