Face Of Malaysia 2024

Face Of Malaysia 2024 Grand Final: A Celebration of Talent and Culture The highly anticipated Face Of Malaysia 2024 Grand Final organized by Lennard Tan Xian Guang took place last Friday, 23rd August 2024, at the prestigious HGH Convention Centre in Sentul. The event, a remarkable showcase of beauty, talent,Continue Reading


The highly anticipated 13th edition of Automechanika Kuala Lumpur has officially begun and is set to make waves in the automotive industry from August 1 to August 3, 2024 at the Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre. Officiated by the Senior Director of Industry Development Division at the Ministry of Investment, TradeContinue Reading

Clicks Brings a Real Keyboard to unlock FullPower of iPhone to Malaysia

Clicks Technology, along with its official regional distributor, Swap Asia, launches Clicks in the region, a first-of-its-kind keyboard accessory for iPhone that extends its capabilities. Clicks frees up screen real estate previously consumed by a virtual keyboard, giving iPhone users more space for apps and content. Imagine now you have your full screenContinue Reading

Ratu DeAge Titanium Beauty Contest 2023

For our beauty contest, we are looking for 20 women aged above 27 who wants to transform their fitness, energy levels, physical appearance and wellbeing with our programme. We will host the event at a function room in a 5 star hotel. The event will be live broadcasted by severalContinue Reading

AL Media Tell u more about Fake Fame Phenomenon

Fake fame refers to a phenomenon where someone becomes famous or well-known for something that lacks substance or value. This type of fame is often based on superficial qualities, such as appearance or viral content, rather than any meaningful accomplishment or talent. One way to explain fake fame is toContinue Reading

5 simple fast methods to improve search engine ranking

How to find your Focus Keyword for SEO? A very good question and how to do it? It is very simple or it can be very complicated if you do not know the Focus Keyword for your site. What is Focus Keyword? Focus Keyword is the focus of your articleContinue Reading

Care Condom Bonn Lam and AL Media Alan Lim

有没有想过会收到让人立即脸红的Care礼盒?人生也许就有这么一次,一次脸红心跳的感觉!到底是怎么样的一个礼盒才能让人体温急升,心跳加速呢? 话说那么一天,AL Media小小编辑有幸能与Care创办人有个轻松咖啡聚会。话题当然少不了数码新闻广告,网络营销以及最近火红的Care避孕套。能与James Bond,不是,是Mr. Bonn见面,真的获益匪浅,原来一个众所周知的避孕套也能以那么创意独特的方式来推广,不得不写个服字,我学习了。 这个小小礼盒里头的惊喜不是一两个,而是无数不同的组合。最为淘气的就是那两个看似骰子,可是却不是数字而是”动作“。这些动作或则指令实在让人不敢直视,因为会太直接了,直接得让人热血沸腾。 其实很多人都会回避讨论避孕套这个话题,甚至避免去买,更别说去用。可是它并不是啥不能触摸的神秘/秘密,它是一个能保护自己,保护别人的“盾”。Care让这个能保护大家的盾增添了不少色彩和元素,让它在运用上能更尽情的发挥。 AL Media随机想到一下这个搞笑的拍摄摆设,就算是星球大战,龟仙人或者钢铁人,保护自己还是必要的一环。 如果在未为自己未来做好准备的你,你,你,最好还是得保护自己,保护对方,最重要是别生病,生孩子。我们并不是在支持任何形式的性行为,而是希望大家拥有更多保护自己的意识,避免一时的欢乐带来的副作用,后悔一生。 如果想了解更多关于Care的产品,可以到一下的网址看看。 https://www.carelatex.com(提起AL Media是没有任何折扣的,你有听过防弹衣有大减价吗?) About Care Some countries made different sizes and thickness because of the mixtures of materials. We give our best rubber. No nonsense. That’s how much we care. QUALITY ASSURANCE Our single most important objective is to produceContinue Reading