Covid-19 Outbreak Latest News: Malaysia Covid-19 daily cases hit 20,000 cases today

20k Covid19 cases in Malaysia

20k Covid19 cases in Malaysia

For the past few days, the covid-19 total daily cases keep increasing in a fast pace, which hit more than 15,000 cases and 20939 cases today. This situation is kinda serious and everyone need to really take a serious look into it.

Malaysia’s daily Covid-19 cases flew past the 20,000-mark today, recording 20,939 cases today. This is the first time that cases have passed the 20,000-mark, with the last time being October 1 last year when the country recorded 10,915 cases. Today’s cases bring the total number of Covid-19 cases in the country to 2,999,6361.

Please strictly follows the SOP, wear your mask everytime you’re in the public area, sanitise yourself more frequently, and do not go into confined place with huge crowds.

You’re not alone, as many friends and I are here giving you words of encouragement.

Encouragement words Part 1

Encouragement words Part 2

Encouragement words Part 3

Encouragement words Part 4

Encouragement words Part 5

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