Malaysia Interior Photographer, Alan Lim

Alan Lim is a Commercial Photographer providing various kinds of photography solutions: especially in Interior Photography. In the year 2009, he founded ALPHOTOS to provide a more complete suite of services. He has been appointed as official photographer for numerous renowned magazines and websites. He loves incorporating new ideas and conceptsContinue Reading

Alan Lim, Managing Director of AL Media Channel

Alan Lim, Managing Director of AL Media Channel. & AL Media Channel is founded by Alan Lim from Malaysia. He is also the founder for the blog – – Life beside the edge. In Facebook and the photography community, Alan Lim is also known as “Hayashi Alan”. InContinue Reading

Alan Lim AL Media CNY 2022

Happy 虎 Year to everyone, May you all have a Wonder虎 Year. In 2022, may all the “Good, Happy, Lucky” will fall on your doorstep, may all the “Negative Energy” bounce away, far far away… 在此恭祝各界在这个水虎年万事如意,虎虎生威,虎年行大运。 From: Alan Lim | AL Media About Alan Lim Alan Lim is aContinue Reading