Happy 虎 Year to everyone, May you all have a Wonder虎 Year. In 2022, may all the “Good, Happy, Lucky” will fall on your doorstep, may all the “Negative Energy” bounce away, far far away…
Alan Lim | AL Media
About Alan Lim
Alan Lim is a Commercial Photographer providing various kinds of photography solutions: Wedding, ROM (Registry of Marriage), Event, Portrait and interior design photography. In the year 2009, he founded ALPHOTOS [ Alan Lim Photography ] to provide a more complete suite of services. He has been appointed as official photographer for numerous renowned magazines, Cosmestic Products, Food Menu, Interior Design and websites. He loves incorporating new ideas and concepts into his work, most of which are well-received by his clients.
Alan Lim believes that a satisfying photography session is not just about taking good photos. He tries his best to bring joy and laughter to a client before, during and after the event. He always creates a happy, cheerful atmosphere and chases away your nervousness during the photo shoot. Even if you’ve never met him, you will feel at ease instantly in his presence because he is caring, friendly and easy to talk to. During important occasions like client’s wedding, he even acts as a time-keeper to monitor and make sure everything is on time.
Any enquiries, contact us at [email protected] or https://wa.me/60196606863