I’d covered the topic of “How to get people to do professional photography?“, I think most of the Airbnb Host understand that well. You just need to request the photography service from your host dashboard, and Airbnb will link you with the appointed photographer, that’s it, so easy.
Anyhow, You know you have the privilege to request professional photography service from Airbnb, does not means you can misuse it or request for fun. Of course there is a minimum charges on the photography service now, I bet as a businessman/women should be clearly understand that investment in business is a MUST.
Let’s see what you Should not do when you request a Airbnb Photography Service.
1. Don’t Simply request Airbnb Photography when your unit is not ready.
It is good to have the unit ready, done all the necessarily decor or reno before you look into photography part. When you think it is ready, then only you click apply for the photography service. Photographer will contact you shortly and arrange for the photography time and date. They’re dedicate their time to discuss with you, and you don’t tell them >> My unit is not ready todo photography now!
If it is not ready, why you so eagerly request for photography? Nothing better todo?
2. Don’t Simply request Airbnb Photography when nobody can open the door
Funny part of dealing with Funny Airbnb Host is, they’d requested the photography service, they start discuss with you on certain details, but when come to time and date. They tells you that “We’re not around in Malaysia now…???!!”
What? You’re not around in Malaysia, and nobody can help you to open the door for photography, why request the photography service? Just because You need someone to talk with you?
3. Don’t Simply request Airbnb Photography when you don’t want to pay for it
I bet Airbnb had sent email to inform all the host about the changes of the photography term, from FREE to PAID Service. And I also believe that when you hit the request button, you will see the term & condition of it. Please don’t ask the photographer, “Is this free?” OR “Why should I pay for it?”
Come on, every service you purchase, there is a price tag, a cost. Previously, the cost bare by Airbnb, and now is your turn to pay for it. Fair enough.
4. Don’t Simply request Airbnb Photography when YOU TOTALLY DON’T WANT IT
IF, if, if you really do not want it, do not want photography service, do not want to reply any message or discussion. Please, PLEASE do not waste everyone time, effort, you can just keep quiet and hide behind the screen. We have better thing todo rather than wasting our time for you. THANKS.
Refresh on previous content.
Many host told me that they really need a good picture of their unit. A good picture tells thousand story, and it also save lot of your time to do presentation of your Homestay. The right angle of photo, the correct lighting gives lot information to the prospect. Prospect can understand the environment by looking at the photo, and they might be direct booking based on that, without asking any question.
How to get people to do professional photography?
Not everyone born as photography or Interior designer, we need someone who have the expertise in this field to help. Hiring a Professional photographer is quite a high investment, and getting the right person to do the right job is even harder.
Airbnb always think ahead and help every eligible host, they had picked the right person “PHOTOGRAPHER” to standby for this. When a eligible host put up a photography request, Airbnb will assign a photographer to handle the request. If everything go smoothly, the whole process take about 1-4weeks to complete from request to photo shoot to upload and live in the listing page.
You might ask why again, why Airbnb give such a comprehensive service to the eligible host. Back to the previous explanation, A listing with GREAT photo sell better, and it is a marketing strategy to help the host who are not able to capture nice and proper picture of their listing. Of course the customer experiences and reviews plays a huge roles in your listing marketing, yet photo is the first impression.
Imagine, you search a homestay location in Airbnb, for instant, it pop out a few listings and you started to pick which one you click in and view it. Which one will you pick? Confirm the one with the nicest picture that attract you (pricing always not the most important for many traveller).
You wish to have a nice and comfort experience, that why you pick the listing that fulfil your basic requirement.
How you know it fulfil your basic need?
You learn from the picture that showing in the listing page. Ta da, Secure the deal. Happy Hosting and Happy Travelling.